Cream Blush and Teal Wedding Bouquet faux Austin Roses Cabbage cheapest Roses Blueberries Gardenias Camellia Teal Velvet Ribbon Bridal Round 10 inch
This limited edition bouquet is a must for your garden wedding. This beautiful bouquet contains cabbage roses, Austin roses, blueberries, Icelandic poppies, gardenias, lambs ear, camellias, and baby's breath, all tied together with a velvet ribbon. Featuring off white, white, sage green, light pink, blush, blue, and teal colors. It is surprisingly neutral and goes with many different color palettes! The bouquet measures 10" in diameter. The stems are wrapped with teal velvet ribbon for a pop of color.
A bouquet with the prettiest flowers shouldn't be something you have to worry about fading on your big day! Real looking foam and silk flowers are in season year round!
Note: This was a one and done project cheapest I cannot customize this item.